With our recent trip to NH to see friends and family for the holidays, we decided to take a road trip down to
Saugus Massachusetts to have donuts and coffee and the "
World Famous Kane's Donuts". Man, were we in for a treat!
We had heard about them on a TV show featuring the top 10 best fried foods on the Travel Channel and agreed that we HAD to go the next time we were in the area.
What a great atmosphere. The place is pretty small inside with about 4 tables and 6 bar stools at the counter. To say that the place was busy would be an understatement. Here is was mid-morning on a Monday and it was standing room only. We were lucky enough to grab a seat at the counter! We were there about 30 minutes and it was non-stop donut and coffee selling. Everyone had a huge smile on there face (the customers and the workers). It was just a nice friendly place to be while we gorged ourselves on donuts. Their prices are decent too. All around, a great deal.
They kept passing fresh donuts through the window and brewing fresh New England brand
Sumatran whole bean coffee. You should have smelled the place!
So, we find our seat and order a donut each. My sister and I ordered
Boston cream donuts, my son ordered a chocolate honey glazed and my wife got a chocolate frosted. As we took a bite of our
poofy morsels, we said nothing and looked over at each other with an agreeing nod of approval thinking one thing, "
I sipped my coffee and was very
surprised at how great it was. I'm a bit of a coffee snob and never have very high expectations when it comes to coffee, especially at a donut shop. But, yeah, it was amazing man. I looked around to investigate the coffee situation and noticed that they were using New England
Sumatran whole bean coffee and grinding them to order. No pot stayed on the machine longer than about 2 minutes so we knew the coffee was fresh.
We chatted with the folks behind the counter and they were all very friendly. Apparently its run by the Kane family, and everyone that worked there (except the
Latino girl in the back) were related some how.
We planned to take the train into Boston to find more good
munchies to chew on. This man next to me, Jim was his name, drew out a very detailed map to the train station on a napkin for me and we had a great conversation about the place and the area. He told me that they make everything fresh every day and are famous for this
huuuuge coffee roll (he pointed to a fresh basket of them as they walked by in one of the owners arms). I think they weighed like 2.5 pounds or something!
We got to the train and headed into Boston. We were in for a few more great treats! More on that later.
Hey look, it's Miss Massachusetts 2007! Cool, eh? :) She works for a donut shop, who knew?

A match made in heaven :)

Porn? Oh, yea.

Happy faces, soon to be bloated,