For those of you that may or may not know this, I'm a huge fan of fresh produce. This year, in addition to buying from a few local farmers in the area, I've decided to plant a small organic garden here at the back door of the kitchen. Since I don't have the time or patience to grow everything from seed, I've decided to buy from an organic farmer who sells the seedlings you can plant right in the ground. Mary Roberts at
Windcrest Farm in Monroe, NC has everything I need.
After spending two long hours pulling up old herb growth, weeds and sticks, one of the greens and grounds guys tilled in some worm castings into the already pretty loamy, dark, rich soil. The other day, I planted the early crops. Broccoli, cauliflower, cilantro, chives and parsley are in. Soon, there will be a good bit more. I will keep you informed of my progress.
Here are a few pics to get you started:

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